Tibet Sprague


Senior Software Dev


Oakland, CA

Member Since
December 15, 2023
Practice Areas
Web Development...IT Infrastructure...Blockchain...Dev Ops...Team Culture...Ecosystem Architecture...Project Management...
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About Tibet

Tibet Sprague is a systems entrepreneur, communitarian technologist, and passionate evangelist of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. He is founder and core steward of the Terran Collective, which activates and amplifies cooperation among people working to regenerate our communities and our planet. Terran does this by building systems and tools that foster trust and collaboration, and weaving together the local regenerative community in their home Bay Area bioregion.

Tibet is lead developer for Terran's main project Hylo - the prosocial coordination platform for a thriving planet. He also stewards the Collaborative Technology Alliance, facilitating collaboration and interoperability among humane social technologists and platforms.

Tibet is an experienced entrepreneur and technical leader, coding since he was ten and starting companies since he was twenty. He has built numerous software platforms from scratch, while growing and managing software teams from two to eighteen people. Previously projects include spending six years helping grow the residential solar industry at One Block off the Grid, and building Alchemy the DAO toolkit for early pioneer in the space DAOstack. He studied Computer Science at Brown University.
