Seth Redmore


Seth Redmore


San Jose, CA, Earth

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**About Seth Redmore** I've spent over a decade marketing AI natural language products. Now, we've crossed the event horizon into the technological singularity and things are going completely bonkers. Change is happening faster and faster, iterations closer and closer, a loop driven by machine learning and graphics cards. I help people understand how to remain sane, competitive, and maybe have a little fun. Agree or disagree, you have to learn how to surf the AI wave, using the unbelievably rich set of tools that have sprouted from the fertile possibilities of the past few years. From a business side, I'm really interested in how language-related AIs are being used by mid-market enterprises. I love the challenge and complexity of that fight - they are big enough to *have* to be sophisticated, but too small to have a deep bench of LLM experts. I'm a marketing expert, having driven dozens of launches and managed some truly amazing teams, including that decade in AI. I've co-founded a networking hardware company that we sold to Cisco, and I've built a learning management system populated with hundreds of sessions that educated healthcare workers and family members who care for people with dementia. I've been an advisor for a leading edge computer vision AI company, helping them with marketing strategy and running a project that helped integrate natural language processing (NLP). I've advised two consumer AI companies, one in the entertainment space and one in the travel space. Have I mentioned that I have over 10 years doing marketing for AI products? If I haven't, then maybe I should, because that's awesome.