Ed Hwang


Business Development Consultant


Santa Clara, California

Member Since
July 31, 2023
Practice Areas
Business Systems...Web Development...Leadership Development...Team Culture...Research...Ecosystem Architecture...Collective Intelligene...
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About Ed

Ed started a website in 1995, for his family’s business and a mom and pop print shop became an e-commerce website. This happened thanks to conversations with smart people wondering if the internet had any value. Yes, it was that long ago, and people really didn’t know.

Ed is an accidental product manager. After realizing that there was a name for the document he was writing, while overseeing updates and versions of this website, and creating one of the first web apps for commercial use. Converting a brick and mortar business into a digital business is an ongoing evolution, that started with html 1.0 and dial up modem.

As Ed was writing this profile, he remembered something that he had long forgotten. Before going into international business to use his German, he was a poli sci major. Before that, he had been in student government in some capacity since the 4th grade, it explains will talk your ear off about parliamentary procedure.

On the macro level, democratic governance challenge in convincing people that individual effort for a group purpose is worth the effort.

Technology is allowing us to do so, and creating opportunities to re-imagine what an entity is.

Ed has a notion, that the way we use and interact with technology needs to be approached differently, to allow us to values economic sustainability, transparency, and privacy, and is excited to see what people are working on.
