Anna Fritsche
Anna Fritsche

Anna Fritsche


business innovator & scrum master


Munich, Germany

Member Since
March 21, 2023
Practice Areas
CopywritingDesignLeadership DevelopmentTeam CultureCollective IntelligeneData VisualizationProject Management
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About Anna

Creativity paired with new technologies and how to make both work for humanity is what excites Anna most. She has studied in a variety of contexts (University, KaosPilot, Native Wisdom Traditions) and countries (EU, Switzerland, South Africa, USA). Since 2012, she's been building her own business, mainly working on different projects as Strategic Illustrator & Graphic Facilitator. Having moved to the countryside with her small family, she's recently done her Scrum Master, deepened her knowledge around how to execute digital transformation projects and is looking for job opportunities in the area of Augsburg/ Munich, Germany.
